Local Saving Again, please

Bring back the ability to save files locally, and to not have to save them to your cloud. People are asking for this in several different threads. This seems like this is an appropriate place to ask for it, again.

I’m here with the same request and thought I’d summarize what I found: it does sound like local saving is an option, but it must first be uploaded to Linearity Cloud, then you are free to download and save locally.

From Linearity staff in another thread:

…you will be able to export and store files locally but when you make edits or want to make edits they will need syncing with Linearity Cloud.

In terms of backing things up and storing your work locally, you can. But when you edit, it’s synced. Once done, you can then store locally, even work offline, then it will re-sync when you are back online.

[edit] …and with this change I’ll likely be switching to a different product entirely. I started using Vectornator a few months before the rebranding and, while buggy to the point where I have to restart the app several times during a session, I have loved the workflow and intuitive layout.


I agree. Local save!!


Agreed. I’ve stated my reasons numerous times in other topics (https://forum.linearity.io/t/3163 and https://forum.linearity.io/t/3316) and wholeheartedly agree with this.


Hi everyone. We greatly appreciate all your sincere feedback! I can assure you that we hear it loud and clear.

While I cannot make any promises as I’m merely the messenger, I can say that we have intentions to announce such future changes and make their transitions much smoother.

Definitely! Local “Save as…” is a no brainer must have option, especially when not utilizing collaborative features, which is simply not needed or wanted for vast majority of projects. Bring it back!