Pen Tool bug where entire shapes shift randomly and nodes disappear

For the last few versions of Curve (iPad version - I don’t recall exactly when the issue arose) I am getting a major bug as I’m working at apparently sporadic times.

From what I can gather I will be drawing a closed shape and a node will come out as curved instead of straight so I’ll double-tap it to switch and then the entire shape will suddenly jump across the canvas 100px or something. If I click again it seems to jump back OR another shape will also move, or the node I added will have gone completely. And undoing does weird stuff too so certainly a bug.

The only way to fix is to stop, quit back to the gallery and reopen I think. Is this a known issue?

Hey again @liambrazier , I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

We’d definitely like to dive deeper into this to understand what’s causing these unexpected behavior. It’d be incredibly helpful if there’s a chance you could capture this on a screen recording when it occurs and send it our way. This could provide valuable insights for our development team as they investigate further.

Your patience and cooperation mean a lot, and I’ll ensure this gets the attention it needs for resolution.

It’s a tough one to capture as I can’t work out what triggers it. Here’s a bit of video during the issue.

Thanks for sharing the video snippet; it definitely helps shed some light on the issue. These types of problems can indeed be tricky to pin down.

If possible, could you also provide any source file where you observed similar behavior?

It’s been on every piece I’ve worked on. I’ll try and capture more footage as it’s quite common. On 2018 12.9” iPad Pro.

Same thing happens on my iPad Pro.

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Hey @Laura , thank you for sharing that you’re experiencing this.

In order to help us investigate and address the issue more effectively, it would be immensely helpful if you could provide us with the source file that demonstrates the behavior.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated!

This is still, seemingly randomly happening on every file I create. It’s very frustrating as there’s no sensical way to make it stop, so you just start switching tools, quitting, doing anything to make it work. Another video from today showing the jumping just on zooming, but any touch with the Pen tool does the same.

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Hey @liambrazier , thank you for the update, and I’m really sorry to hear that this issue is still occurring. It definitely sounds frustrating.

Could you please share a file in .curve format (send it to where you’ve experienced this issue? It would allow us to test the problem thoroughly.

We really don’t want to miss any opportunity to resolve this properly for you.

I will send one, but I’ll stress it is EVERY file. I work I guess on quite complex canvases with many shapes but I cannot find a strict cause as to when or why it happens.

What tends to happen, but not exclusively, is I’ll place a point and it’ll turn into a curved one with handles when that wasn’t what I intended. From then any interaction - trying to click the point, the handles, zooming in, changing the point in the Style panel, all cause the entire selected shape to jump around.

Hey again @liambrazier , thanks so much for detailing the issue—it’s incredibly helpful! We’re actively working on enhancements and appreciate your patience. I’ll make sure to keep you updated on our progress.