Unable to open/import Curve files in Move

Hi Linearity team,

I need some help. Im using the ipad version. Yesterday I made this illustration in Curve and wanted to animate it in Move. The first time when opening the Curve file in Move I encountered this message. “ Error. Incompatible document version. Please update to the latest Vectornator version.” During my second attempt Move crashed, and every other attempt after that I get the same error message as the first time.

I made this file yesterday in Curve, not in the past when it was Vectornator, and also everything is up to date. I think i had a Curve/Move update this past tuesday or wednesday.

I also tried exporting the Curve file into my ipad files and then opening Move and tried manually importing it. I get the same error message.

Also thank you for the support and improvements as per my previous post. I appreciated the promptness of your support and the follow up.

Good day

Hey @Nikfar21 , I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing. It sounds like you’re doing everything right, but we definitely need to take a closer look to figure out what’s going wrong.

Could you please confirm the versions of Linearity Curve and Linearity Move you’re currently using? A crash report would also be very helpful in diagnosing the issue further. Here’s a guide on how to find and send a crash report:

Settings → Privacy → Analytics&Improvements → Analytics Data → Scroll down to see crash reports named Linearity Move-2024-(month)-(date)… In case you received one, we need .ips file.

Additionally, if you could send over the file in .curve format here or directly to support@linearity.io, that would be great.

Thank you for your patience and for providing such detailed information :pray: