Please give me my files back

Hey there,

I really like your applications. I’ve been using Vectornator (Curve) for about 4 years now and Move since it came out. I have created many files over the years, but since I only use your apps for school and personal projects, I’m unwilling to pay nearly 100€ a year for using them once or twice a month at most. It’s just not worth it for any user who isn’t making money with the use of your apps.

I often wondered how such great apps could be free, and I’m definitely willing to spend money on those apps, but just not in the form of a subscription. I understand that you want and need to make money, and I don’t even have a problem with a premium tier if you just give me back the functionality that was there until now. I don’t mind not getting the latest features and updates, but to take my files away from me and urge me to pay money regularly just to open them seems very harsh. I haven’t even updated Curve by now, just to retain access to my files.

Maybe you could have made the apps just paid apps, like the Affinity bundle, or just make a premium tier with more features like Goodnotes 6. Apparently, those payment concepts work, but you chose a way where you take away a feature from the user that is essential and was obviously there all along. I’m not a psychologist, but loss is a much worse feeling than missing out.

For me personally, I will probably have to learn how to use OpenToonz and use Affinity Designer more often, despite both of those being far less accessible. Maybe you can grant us users access to more than three files in the future.

Thank you

Hey Bernhard,

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts with us. Your support over the years means a lot to us. We totally get where you’re coming from with the whole subscription thing. We did the switch to provide continuous access to our evolving features, updates, and support.

Here’s the lowdown on what’s up with your files and the new plans:

  • Grandfathering your existing Files: You can continue to edit any files you have right now without any restrictions. However, it’s key to remember that only files synced to Linearity before our pricing update (February 22nd) are considered “existing.” You can find these in the “My Files” section of any Linearity application.

  • Files After Pricing Plans: Any new files created or migrated from local storage after February 22nd will be subject to the new subscription model. On the free Starter plan, these files may become locked due to file limits, but you’ll still have the flexibility to delete, move, rename them.

  • Locally Stored Files: With the latest version, moving files from your device’s local storage to the application counts as creating new files. This means they could be locked if you hit your file limit under the free Starter plan.

We really appreciate your honest feedback. Right now, we’re sticking with subscriptions and don’t have plans on one-time payments. This structure ensures that you will access the latest tools and improvements throughout your subscription period.

If you’re having trouble with locked files, please reach out at We really want to talk about what’s going on and figure out a way to help you out.

Hello. On linearity website it says that hobbyist artist using the starter plan are not able to use the software commercially. Does that mean I cannot sell vector files created in Curve with starter plan? Thanks!

Hey @user127 You’re right, the Starter plan is designed more for hobbyists and personal use, which means that selling vector files created with Linearity Curve under this plan isn’t in line with the intended use.

If you’re looking to sell your creations or use them in a commercial context, upgrading to our Pro plan would be the way to go. The Pro plan is equipped with a commercial license, giving you the flexibility and rights to use your work however you need, including for business and freelancing.

I hope this clears things up! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.

I wonder how I can use the three file limit. Is it possible to swap files by saving them in my file system, and then migrate the three files I use for the moment?

I have another suggestion: What about an amateur price plan at about 15-20$ per year for simply unlocking unlimited files? For the advance AI functions and commercial use I understand the high price, but it is too much for an amateur like me. I use Linearity mostly for learning by now. It is a tool that is easy to use and user friendly.

Hey @Tricreative , good question! You can work around the three-file limit by saving them to your device and then swapping out the files you need at any given time. Just export the files you’re currently not working on and save them locally, then you can delete them in the application to free up space for new ones. When you need them again, simply import them back into Linearity (considering you’ve made the necessary space available).

In other words you can manage your files under the three-file limit by deleting older ones and creating (including importing) new ones. As long as you stay within this cap, you can continue using the free plan and keep working without any interruptions.

Regarding your suggestion for an amateur price plan, I really appreciate you bringing it up! Currently, we don’t offer such a plan, I’ll make sure to pass it along to our team for consideration. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

At least for me, deleting files after 21/02/24 does not allow me to create a new file. I have no files after that date, but as soon as I hit the ‘+’ to create a new file, I am prompted to subscribe with no option to continue without doing so.

So for me, it was ‘you can create 3 files’ full stop. I’m assuming that is the actual policy.

Sadly, I cannot justify the subscription for what is hobbyist use, as much as I like Curve on iPad. Your implementation of a touch interface utility app is highly impressive, right up there with Apple. I have moved on to AD 2, which has it’s own strengths, but still has the feeling of ‘desktop adaptation for touchscreen’ which is something powerful apps often suffer from.

I’d like to bid all at Linearity a fond farewell, thanks for all the fish, and I wish you every success


Hey @SouperK, Thank you for your kind words and for the time you’ve spent with Linearity.

It sounds like you’ve encountered a frustrating situation with the file limit, and that’s not the experience we want for any of our users. I’m genuinely sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.

It’s disappointing to hear that you feel the need to move on to another application for your hobbyist needs. Before you go, would it be possible for you to share some screenshots of the issue with the file limit? You can send them here or directly to Getting a closer look at what’s happening on your end would be incredibly helpful for us to identify and fix any potential issues, ensuring a smoother experience for you and others.

1st screenshot showing no files after 21/2/2024 (I’ve deleted 5 files just to be on the safe side). Note at top that I’ve exceeded the file limit :

I want to import a photo, when I click the ‘+’ at the top, or ‘New Document’, this popup appears:

I can’t see any option to continue other than to upgrade?

To clarify what happened: you’ve reached the limit with more than 3 files still in your account. While older files are available for you and you can continue editing them, they do count towards your overall file limit.

To create new files, you’d need to reduce your total file count to below 3 or consider upgrading to Pro. Hope this information helps!

Thanks for the clarification, initially I understood the communication to mean that files before 22/2/2024 were available to edit, but only 3 files could subsequently be created. I assumed that the existing files were separate from the quota. I understand now, in your reply to the original poster you meant export all your files locally, delete them all, and then only import up to 3 files to edit.

I apologize for any confusion our previous messages may have caused. You’ve got it right now – the existing files are indeed counted towards the quota under our current system.

I’m sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, especially if it wasn’t clear from the outset. Appreciate your understanding and patience.

I signed up to the forum specially so I could add my voice to the masses saying that the subscription model isn’t the right way to go for us.

If I wanted subscription software I’d be using Illustrator. Adding and deleting files is a pain every time I want to make changes to them. Some of my files I’ve had to create multiple copies of because the exported SVGs were corrupt, so I’d have to copy the group out of the file into a new file to get a clean export. For a piece of software I use a couple of times a year it’s not worth the money for me.

Vectornator was great when it was a simple Vector editor. Linearity Curve trying to be a vector editor, animation software and cloud system has seemingly alienated a lot of people.

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Linearity has engaged in a business strategy to initially engage users with free services to build up their beta testing then switch to paid services and promise continued basic free unlimited services for linearity then imposing a limit on the number of files one can use. Three files the last time I looked. They also impede direct saving to local files on ipad, services like iCloud, gdrive and other cloud services in order to steer user to their proprietary lincloud. From where I stand this is a business model to make users dependent on their software as opposed to integrating with other applications and cloud sharing. I personally find this business model unethical.

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This pain in the arse issue has just arisen for me too. I have numerous files on my iPad, and eight or so in ‘my files’ (presumably made since Vectornator became Curve). Now I can’t open any of them. I deleted the only files that seemed to be accessible, and it’s now not giving me the option to open any others. It will let me make new files, but I want my ‘three free’ to be ones I’ve already made. How can I open old files? Do I seriously have to right click-export them all then bring them back in?

I enjoyed Vectornator, was pretty cynical when it became Curve, but I held on. I sure as hell can’t justify the cost for making the occasional handdrawn scribble (and I have to have Illustrator for work anyway). Like many people have said, we wanted an Illustrator alternative, not another subscription service in the same vein. Sadly, I’ll be deleting the app.

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