Exporting an image with gradients renders incorrectly

Here is an image I exported using the Share operation (Note her cheeks, which use a gradient fill.):

Now here is a manual screenshot I did of the image:

I think there is an issue with the way gradients are handled by the export function?

Edit: The cheek/forehead highlights are basic ovals with a radial gradient that goes from solid to transparent.

I hope this can get fixed!

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I gave it a try but I couldn’t reproduce the issue. Maybe you could share your file (or at least the relevant part)?

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Thanks for looking into this! :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is a link to download the files (link good for 24 hours):

…or trying to add files directly to this forum post:

jhgirl.vectornator (4.0 MB)

Anyone have any ideas?

I’ve had no problems with gradations and blurs using the Adobe illustrator export. I didn’t see that option in your video so was wondering if you have latest updated version. Might help.

I am using Curve Version 5.0.1 (20230731144654.40)

I do not see the Adobe Illustrator export…?

I can export to SVG and it appears to be ok, but I’m just wondering why I can’t export to a standard bitmap file properly? (JPG, PNG, TIFF)

Does the gradient include transparent areas? it might be the culprit. Try using the BG color for the transparent parts in the gradient.

in the meantime, try using Blur instead as a workaround.

Export as AI is available on the iPad and iPhone version.

from the Official User Guide page

On iPad and iPhone, you can export your document as an AI file by tapping on the Adobe Illustrator button in the Export Popover or in the Export Preview Format. Alternatively, you can also save it into your Adobe Creative Cloud (2 ) from the Export Popover.

Yes, the gradient includes transparent areas. The workaround looks like a good temporary solution—but I would expect to not have to do this. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok, good to know that AI Export is an option in the iOS and iPadOS version. (The video I uploaded shows I am using the macOS version.)

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Awesome. Using the blur alternative works great. Thanks for the help!

(I will still leave this post open, since I think Linearity should see this and look into fixing this — or at least make a note in a list of “known bugs” to let users know about.) :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone, I apologise for the delay on this.

I can confirm that AI export is currently only available for iPadOS and iOS. We are bringing it to MacOS swiftly. In the meantime, I can suggest this workaround: You can save to file on your iCloud, access it from your mobile device, export as AI and then transfer it to MacOS.

While it can be tedious, it might help while we bring AI export to MacOS. Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding!

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Thanks for the information about exporting to AI format and the workaround.

However, I still haven’t heard anything about the original problem, which is why the export to bitmap produces the visual error indicated in my images above.

Thankfully for my case, the blur option appears to be an alternate method that works—but I’m still curious as to why the image renders in correctly when using a gradient that goes from a color to transparent. This doesn’t seem like expected behavior.


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Hi @rareyman, it appears that the original problem’s root cause could be down to the base color of radial gradients as the system still considers it as color regardless of transparency. As a result, the rendering adds that touch of black you’re referring to.

Our suggestion would be to use gradient start color as the transparency color. You can see the sample screenshots below.

Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the very detailed and well explained answer!!!

Linearity Curve rocks!


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