Style defaults to Stroke on, Fill Off every time I switch to Pen tool

I do a lot of work that doesn’t even use strokes so Curve (latest iPad version) not remembering my last setting and switching back to a Stroke with no Fill every, single time is hugely problematic to my workflow. I don’t think this used to be an issue but has certainly been present for the last few updates.

Hey @liambrazier , thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’m really sorry to hear that this issue is causing this inconvenience in your workflow. That’s definitely not what we want for our users.

I’ve already passed this concern over to our development team for further investigation. I’ll keep an eye on this and make sure to get back to you with any updates as soon as I have them.

@liambrazier would it be possible for you to provide a screen recording of this issue as well? Also, if you can share steps or patterns you’ve noticed could be super helpful for our investigation. We’re trying to reproduce this one and it’s also tricky to catch it.