Live : Create your first animation with Linearity Move

Can we watch again yesterday’s live titled 'Creating Your First Animation?

Hey @Anthony89! Absolutely! We’re currently in the process of getting the recording of yesterday’s live session. We’ll be sharing it shortly, so you can watch it again at your convenience.

How did you like it?

Yesterday, I was working so I didn’t see the live.

Hey @Anthony89 , the recording is all ready and available for you to watch at your convenience. You can find it right here.

Enjoy catching up on the session!

Thank you !

This live was very instructive and shows the full potential of the application. Looking forward to seeing more lives to delve deeper into the features.

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Hey @Anthony89 , great to hear you enjoyed this session! If you’re keen to dive deeper into Linearity Move features, I definitely suggest to catch our next live with Maddy. She’s exceptionally skilled and talented, the session promises to be insightful.

Here’s the link to sign up: Animating Illustrated Assets with Linearity.

If you can’t make it, we’ll publish a recording afterward. Hope to see you there!

Hello, I could not be present for this live but I will watch it with great attention.
When will it be available ?

Hey @Anthony89, the recording is already available for you to watch at your convenience. You can find it here: Animating Illustrated Assets with Linearity Move. Hope you find it insightful and enjoyable!