Create a "Tools" category in the Preferences

I need the vectornator development team to create a “Tools” category in the preferences.

Why? Because you have an option under the “Canvas” category in prefences called “customize tools.” That whole “customize tools” needs to be its own category called “Tools.”

Users could go to preferences, go to the category tools, and customize their tools there. Anything “tool” related should be in the “Tools” category.

So what I’ve done is Ive made a mock up of it. I created a tools category and then next to it I added a wrench icon. I don’t like this wrench icon. Its just a placeholder for now. You guys can figure out what icon you’d like for tools but there needs to be a “Tools” category and inside that tools category users should be able to customize their toolbar.

So after creating a “Tools” category and the “customize tools” has been placed inside this “Tools” category, we can go back to the Canvas category and remove “customize tools” from the bottom. Below is an image of me scratching off “customize tools” in red. So now we have a “Tools” category dedicated towards anything tool related.

Again, that wrench icon is a placeholder. I need the vectornator development team to pick a different icon. You can use the icons from the tools bar like the pencil icon or pen icon. Either one of those2 would work or if you have another icon that represents “tools” that’s fine. Its up to you.

1.) We created a Tools category under Preferences
2) We will be giving the Tools category its own icon eventually
3) We took “customize tools” from the Canvas category and moved it into the new “Tools” category
4) We removed “customize tools” from the Canvas category.