Crash MAC-OS. Sorry

I was in Vectornator for MAC OS. I was time lapsing, and switched of watermark, and then it crashed

Hi there @AntiAnti and welcome to the Community Forum!

I’m very sorry to hear about this crash you experienced and would like to forward the case to the team for investigation. In order to do this though I’ll need a little more information:

  1. Can you please provide the crash report for this incident. This can be located the following way: Console app → Crash Reports → Find Vectornator process → right click and press ‘Reveal in Finder’ → forward the .ips file
  2. Please let me know what OS and Vectornator version you’re currently running.
  3. Please forward the file in question for testing purposes.

Feel free to provide these files/details within this thread, or if you’d prefer you can send them to the support team directly via

Looking forward to hearing from you,