Unable to change node type


for the last few days I‘ve been unable to change node types to the second one. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

I am having the same problem. I select mirrored node, but it keeps switching itself back to asymmetric node.

I’m a bit concerned that @frobber posted this in November, yet there’s been no reply. Is this being addressed? I just started using Linearity Curve and won’t be able to continue unless this is fixed.

Hey @frobber @Keli ,

we’re really sorry for the frustration caused by this issue. We’re aware of this problem and good news – it’s set to be fixed in our upcoming release! Keep an eye out for that!

Apologize for any inconvenience it’s caused and thanks for your patience while we get it sorted.

Take care!

Hey everyone,

Good news about the frustrating issue where selecting a mirror node would unexpectedly switch back to an asymmetric node! This specific problem has been addressed in our most recent update, Linearity Curve version 5.3.1.

We truly appreciate your patience and want to thank those who brought this to our attention. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance your experience with Linearity :orange_heart: