still no Animated SVG export?!

I was really hoping to see animated SVG export working by now.

Are you making good progress with that?

After putting so much work into getting everything to be as sharp and smooth as possible, it is disappointing ti have to render to 20-year-old rasterized video formats.

For example, this is only 1920x1080 (rather than the 3840x2160 I designed it for) and 1,2MB (in pretty bad quality, showing compression artifacts and gradients as rings of color tones…why not give us bitrate/quality control on export?), and when rendered from SVGator as SVG animation, it is 15KB (while being tack-sharp with billions of colors and silky smooth gradients on my LG5K display)…can you see why I am disappointed?

A more advanced export module is a necessity for a vector animation solution of this quality,

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Hi @till , we totally get where you’re coming from with the animated SVG export. While animated SVG export is definitely on our wishlist, I can’t give you a specific timeline for when we’ll be able to roll it out. Right now, our focus is on adding GIF exports, which you can read more about here.

I’ve made a note of all the issues you’ve mentioned. You’re right that having more advanced export options is a key. In the meantime, you do have some control over things like resolution, frame rate (fps), and codec choice (h.264 vs h.265), which might help optimize exports a bit.

Thanks so much for your detailed feedback. It’s super valuable to us!


if I didn’t know that you were serious, I would laugh. GIF animations were a really cool thing when I first worked with them…in 1996.

It baffles my mind that you would invest into creating an export to animated GIFs when there are tons of free tools that can convert from mp4 and mov to animated GIF.

You’re in the business of letting your users create easy and powerful vector animations, and yet you don’t give us a way to actually save our work in a non-rasterized format? That’s like selling a full-frame DSLR that can only save in JPG format, no RAW.

As far as “optimizing exports a bit”, no, there is only one quality that you allow us to export with, and we are given no influence over it.

I really thought that a subscription model forced upon us by investors would assure that your team can focus on the important things…not GIF animation export.

Godspeed with catching up with the times…don’t let them pass you by…with only SVGator taking SVG animation seriously (at $240/year) you have a window of opportunity that you should take advantage of, instead of competing with for-free GIF animation tools.

While I think gif animation is not a bad thing because it will certainly benefit to the public of social network platforms who need an image based solution ( twitter, fb , whatsapp wont handle animated svg) , there is another kind of public (website builders, mobile app developers ) who need quality and fast loading animations. And that is a pretty big user base.

I agree with Till that it seems a bit odd to be able to import vectorized data, manipulate it … and not be able to export it to a STANDARD vector format.

I rely on Keyshape for now which does a good job exporting to svg but is far from being as easy to use as linearity Move which offers a lot of preset animations whereas Keyshape asks you to build everything from scratch.

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Good points, devloic. I also use Keyshape a lot (excellent software/value!) and I didn’t mean to completely discredit GIF animation as an export format (especially in the light of the platforms you mentioned not supporting animated SVGs), but questioned the wisdom of Linearity to invest their programming resources into GIF animation export over SVG animation export. What is Move trying to be? If they want to be one of the best solutions for vector-based animation, then GIF export should play a subordinate role.

Frankly, I can’t even believe that we have to have this discussion. For me, it was assumed that export to animated SVG would be the first format that is supported…anything else just seems like driving a Ferrari on a dirt road. You can’t put the power of such a car on an unpaved road just like you can’t degrade the pristine quality of vectors into a rasterized output format. Linearity is giving away its one big advantage over the others.

Hey, thank you both so much for sharing your thoughts, we really value your input.

@till, I hear you. The point you made about GIFs and how we should focus on non-rasterized formats like SVG really makes sense. We’re definitely taking your feedback about the importance of vector animations and discussing how we can better meet those needs.

@devloic, I appreciate your perspective too. You’re right that GIFs have their place, but there’s also a big need for animations for web and app development.

We’re looking at all your feedback closely and talking about it as a team. Thanks again for being engaged!

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